

Welcome to my blog One More Robot Learns to See
(a play on The Flaming Lips - One More Robot/Sympathy 3000-21 and Computer Vision the topic of my Masters)

I started this site while finishing Grad school at Queen’s University to serve as a portfolio and make myself appear employable. It worked out and I landed a pretty sweet job as a Fullstack Developer at Shopify. I worked there for 4 and a quarter years during a period of rapid growth for the company including the IPO. I’ve kept the blog going as a way to document and share my thoughts, learnings and side projects although I write a lot less than I used to.

I’m passionate about software; it’s my job and a hobby. I enjoy spending time working on side projects and learning new things. I am a big believer in open source and the power of software to change the world. I share my own work with the greater community whenever possible and try to focus my efforts on software that matters.